Monday, May 9, 2022

Newbie Investment Portfolio - End 2022 04

Not a very good month as almost all asset classes have declined. The main reason used by everyone appears to be "CAUSED BY INFLATION FEARS" (seems virus fears are out the window now).

All Shell shares of this portfolio have been sold and proceeds are currently being held as GBP cash in the account (currently still held at Interactive Brokers). Average Sale Price achieved (inclusive of commissions paid) was GBP20.98 per share.

This portfolio received bond interest from Singtel Bonds in this month.

Margin Ratio remains low at 73.48%. As this small portfolio has limited bullets (probably can only add one more USD or SGD bond), I am waiting patiently for the correct bond to add to this portfolio. Most likely I would be aiming a higher coupon USD perpetual bond.

Regards, Newbie

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1 comment:

Steve Smith said...

The firm is highly profitable, with $20.9 billion to hit the bottom line. Despite the rebound in seth portfolio performance, recent investors are concerned about catching up with the competition, especially from AMD, Advanced Mirco Devices. As a result, current stocks are trading at nearly 12 times more than the forward net income. Intel has had 18 consecutive years of annual dividend increases, the most recent one being 4.76%. The stock currently offers a yield of around 2.3%, whereas the dividend is well hedged, as Intel currently has a payout ratio of about 30%.